Modifying course added from GitHub

NeetoCourse provides the ability to edit and change course content from UI, this is not applicable for the courses added from you GitHub repository.

Update course configuration

To modify the course configuration, like home or course logo, slug of the course,chapters or pages we need to modify the configuration file added while defining the repository structure.

  • metadata.yml is configuration file for course.

  • chapters.yml is configuration file for chapters.

  • pages.yml is configuration file for pages.

Editing content of chapter or page

To edit the content of a particular chapter or page.

  1. Open the course which you want to edit.

    Opened course in to edit
  2. Select the chapter or page you want to edit and click on edit button.

    Opened page to be edited
  3. You'll be redirected to the GitHub repository source file of the content. Make modification and make a commit. The commit will trigger the changes to be deployed to the course. The deployment status can be viewed from Deployment tab.

You can create a Pull request for the changes that you want to make and you can check the deployment status using PR deployment app.