Organization configurations

NeetoCourse provide options to configure the course site where the courses are hosted for the end user to access it. These configurations can be found under General configurations in Settings tab under Design.

  1. Go to Settings and select General configurations under Design.

    Settings with Design opened

    The option might not be available if you don't have admin permission to the organization.

  2. You can view all the configuration options available

    General configurations


Following are the general configuration options provided by NeetoCourse

Site name

This is the name of the site which will be displayed to the user viewing the course.

Home URL

Add a path name which should be the url that'll be treated as your home page.

Logo for your site.

It's the logo that will be displayed on the header while scrolling.


To add favicon to your site.

Short description

This description will be displayed on the homepage along with site name.

Long description

This description will be present under the short description. This will be displayed as plain text.

Search placeholder

This is the placeholder of search bar displayed on site-wide search bar. You can enable the site-wide search by enabling global search.

Chapter completion content

The message that is showed when a chapter is completed along with an image.

Chapter completion image

This is the image that'll be showed when chapter is completed.

If chapter completion image is already added to course configuration, then that will be displayed instead.

NeetoCourse also provides integration of other neeto products in your course site to provide better service. Do checkout neetoChat and neetoReplay.